Welcome to the
Columbia Senior Activity Center
A Gathering Place for Active Seniors!
The Center is a nonprofit organization.
It is a great place for people to gather. We strive to have activities that will improve the mind and body.
Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00am-4:00pm
We are located at:
1121 Business Loop 70 East
Columbia, MO 65201
Click the icons below to be directed to Facebook and Instagram.
More Information:
For a quick tour of the Columbia Senior Activity Center, please see video below.
Elaine Sello and Izzy Roberts from the Relevant Youth Projects Team at the University of Missouri is accredited for this video.
Special Thank You to...
Thank you to the Fred V. & Dorothy H. Heinkel Charitable Foundation for awarding the Columbia Senior Activity Center a grant to be used to upgrade our landscaping. The center’s landscaping has been difficult to adequately maintain with our volunteer workers. We applied for this grant so we could make the landscape more attractive and as maintenance free as possible. The Heinkel Foundation was established in 1981 by Fred and Dorothy Heinkel as a way for them to give back to their community. We very much appreciate their support of the center.
Thanks to a grant from Boone Electric Community Trust the Columbia Senior Activity Center was able to complete replacement of four insulated doors and frames. Both kitchen doors, the fire sprinkler room door, and the west door were replaced with galvanized frames and doors with two coats of paint and new threshold weather stripping sweeps anchors and fasteners. It is nice to have the support of a good corporate citizen. Thank you again Boone Electric Community Trust!
And a Special Thank You To Veterans United Foundation!

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